From 7-8 November 2019, the first ever ENOSS Conference entitled “The Next Step” was held in Berlin, Germany. Like-minded professionals in education and sport from 16 European countries followed the invitation of the ENOSS consortium to network and exchange best practice.

Day 1 of #enoss2019 was dedicated to the topic of health. International experts, namely Markus Flemming (SLZB, Germany), Andreas Hülsen (OSP Berlin, Germany), Laurent Carnol (LIHPS, Luxembourg) or Jürgen Dietrich/Andrea Stegmann/Claudius Schäfer (Brillat-Savarin Schule, Germany) shared multi-sided insights into their routine with talented athletes, spanning health-related dimensions such as sport psychology, dual career or nutrition.

Day 2, conducted in the spectacular location of the Olympic Stadium of Berlin, pursued the mission to initiate a European Network of Sport Schools. In his opening keynote, ENOSS co-initiator Wolfgang Stockinger (TWIN, Austria) emphasized the necessity of strategic European cooperation:

“The quality of services provided by sport schools in cooperation with policy makers and sport bodies is of vital importance for sustainable pathways of aspiring athletes, in amateur as well as in professional sports. A network like ENOSS can be an important catalyst for innovative dual career practice across borders.”

Following, the international delegates concretized the requirements for the development of a European network in the form of expert work groups.

“The goals of this conference were exceeded. The instant success of this first-time-event makes clear that the timing for ENOSS is right, since EU sport policy is likely to keep focusing on the topic of dual career in the coming years.”

ENOSS co-initiator Philipp Struwe (SLZB, Germany)

Thank you to all international delegates who made the 1st ENOSS Conference a big success! If you are interested in becoming a future member of ENOSS, please get in touch with us.
